
Kent owns CSWoods and has been a wood enthusiast all his life. He started as a kid making furniture in his father Stuart’s shop. Stuart’s passion for collecting and working with wood has grown into what CSWoods is today. Kent has been in the wood industry all his life and has two generations after him that help run the family business.
Denver Team

We have a great sales team in Denver that are ready to help with your project! They can help you through all parts of your project, whether you want to do all the finish work yourself, or have us work with you all the way through installation and delivery. They work with everyone from wood hobbyists to design firms. You can bring in blue prints, measurements, or nothing at all and our team can help you find the perfect piece of wood. We are a full service shop, meaning we can do everything you need in house up through delivery and install. The sales staff can walk you through the steps it will take to get your piece the way you want it. We are happy to do all of the work, some of the work, or none of the work!

Amos, Kent’s son, runs the production facility and kilns in southern Colorado. He keeps a vac kiln and a dehumidification kiln full of slabs. The southern facility is where we do most of our work on tops. Gluing, cutting, sanding, and pouring epoxy are some of the things he oversees. Amos is also in charge of all our in house milling operations.
The Gardner Group

The crew down south is made up of more family, friends, and a shop cat. They make our sawdust, pour gallons of epoxy, and dry our wood. Cutting, sanding, gluing, forklift driving, mastering Tetris, cattle wrangling, and wildfire prevention are all things that the bunch in Gardner do. Arnold the cat earns his keep by keeping the mice out of the shop.
Alana & Gayle

Gayle and Alana manage the Denver office. (Gayle is the accountant and procurer of all the things including the candy). Alana inventories each individual slab as it comes into the warehouse, taking measurements, photos, and notes. She runs our social media accounts, giving our followers a great look at what we do, from behind the scenes to finished installs. Check out our Instagram to see what she posts!

Alexandria is the youngest member of the family and has grown up in the wood business. She loves dancing on Grandpa’s slabs and shopping in the warehouse. Her jobs include “peel and seal” day (helping grandma Gayle stamp and close envelopes), holding the other end of the tape measure for Mommy, and keeping Grandpa Kent in shape by playing tag in the showroom.